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Smartphones & Tablets in the Church Pews?


It’s not just for viewing the Bible anymore…

…and we should encourage interaction through these devices after services and all week long.  “What if”…we could engage and continue the lessons from Sunday over the course of the week in a quick and easy way… like folks interact currently on Facebook or Twitter? How about a special app just for the smartphone that sets up a chat room, forum, or even a huddle or circle in Google+ for a youth group or small group? It’s been done and can be replicated. Here is a post from ChurchMag that talks about the demographics of smartphone owners. It’s a large percentage of our members and non-members. Smartphone ownership and usage is only going to grow and get bigger, so lets use these devices to reach out and engage in decipleship every day not just Sundays. Technology can help in new and faithful ways.

Should the Church Care About Smartphone Use?

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